Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
El Dorado Union High School District District logo

Welcome to the El Dorado Union High School District Online Enrollment. Online enrollment allows you to quickly start the process of registering your student for school. Information about your student such as emergency contacts, medical, and language information will be collected.

Online Enrollment for incoming 9th-grade students opens on January 6, 2025

Who can enroll a student? (Please call the Registrar to discuss any situations not listed below)

  • Either parent listed on the birth certificate, if parents are married
  • Parent with physical custody per court document
  • Court-appointed guardian
  • Verified foster parent
  • Host family for an approved foreign exchange student
  • Student over 18 years old may register self


The online enrollment process typically takes between 20-30 minutes. If you are unable to complete the process in one sitting, you may log out and resume the process at a later time.

Please do NOT use this application if your student is already actively enrolled in one of our high schools. This is for incoming students only.

Note: Pacific Crest Academy and Independence High School will need to be contacted directly for enrollment. 

Please click HERE to access our website for our schools and their contact information.

To use the system:

  • You must have a valid email address. 
  • Aeries Online Enrollment is not your Aeries Parent Portal. You will need to set up a new Aeries Online Enrollment account with new login credentials.
  • You must have a valid address within the El Dorado Union High School District boundaries
    • If your address is outside district boundaries, please contact Student Services at (530) 622-5081 x7229.
    • If you reside in a "Dual Enrollment" boundary in which you have the option of two schools, please contact Student Services with your school of preference if you have not already at (530) 622-5081 x7229.
      • If you do not provide your preferred school by February 7, 2025, one will be assigned for your student.
    • For families experiencing a housing transition, you may reach out to our McKinney Vento Liaison for enrollment support: Regi Bryant at 530-622-5081 ext. 7229 or rlbryant@eduhsd.k12.ca.us.

To get started enrolling a new student click on "Enroll a New Student" below.

Upon completion of the online enrollment, the student’s information is electronically sent to the school, but enrollment is not complete until all required documentation is verified.

If you need assistance, please visit our website by clicking HERE. Additionally, you may contact Student Services at (530) 622-5081 x7224 or the registrar at your home school for further support.